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On stock

APCS-PF10NB power + brake cable (10m, robotic)

214,54 € (incl. VAT)
175,85 €
On stock

APCS-PN10GS Power Cable (10m, Normal cable)

41,11 € (incl. VAT)
33,70 €
On stock

APCS-BF05QS BRAKE Power Cable (5 m, Robotic cable)

90,32 € (incl. VAT)
74,03 €
Check availability

APCS-PF20IS Power Cable (20m, Robotic cable) (4C*3.5SQ AWG12)

351,54 € (incl. VAT)
288,15 €
On stock

APCS-PF20LSC Power Cable 20m, Robotic cable

182,66 € (incl. VAT)
149,72 €
On stock

APCS-PF05SB power + brake cable (5m, robotic)

34,41 € (incl. VAT)
28,20 €
On stock

APCS-PF03HS Power Cable (3m, Robotic cable)

112,73 € (incl. VAT)
92,40 €
On stock

APCS-PN05LSC L7 Power Cable - normal 5m

80,18 € (incl. VAT)
65,73 €
On stock

APCS-PN03LSC L7 Power Cable - normal 3m

66,08 € (incl. VAT)
54,16 €
On stock

APCS-BF03QS BRAKE Power Cable (3 m, Robotic cable)

77,14 € (incl. VAT)
63,23 €
On stock

APCS-BF10QS BRAKE Power Cable (10m, Robotic cable)

106,42 € (incl. VAT)
87,23 €
On stock

APCS-PF05LSC Power Cable 5m, Robotic cable

92,03 € (incl. VAT)
75,43 €
Check availability

APCS-PF03SB power + brake cable (3m Robotic cable)

42,09 € (incl. VAT)
34,50 €
Check availability

APCS-PF20SB Power + Brake Cable (20m, Robotic)

109,43 € (incl. VAT)
89,70 €
On stock

APCS-PF10PB power + brake cable (10m, robotic)

289,07 € (incl. VAT)
236,94 €
Check availability

APCS-PF20PB Power + brake cable (20m, Robotic cable)

410,11 € (incl. VAT)
336,16 €
Check availability

APCS-PF20JS Power Cable (20m, Robotic cable)

579,50 € (incl. VAT)
475,00 €
On stock

APCS-PF05NB power + brake cable (5m, robotic)

151,81 € (incl. VAT)
124,43 €
On stock

APCS-PF05LS Power Cable 5m, Robotic cable

129,46 € (incl. VAT)
106,11 €
On stock


56,46 € (incl. VAT)
46,28 €
On stock

APCS-PF10LSC Power Cable 10m, Robotic cable

130,18 € (incl. VAT)
106,70 €
On stock

APCS-PF10SB , Power + brake Cable (10m, Robotic cable)

80,84 € (incl. VAT)
66,26 €
On stock

APCS-PF03NB Power + brake Cable (3m, Robotic cable)

109,58 € (incl. VAT)
89,82 €
Check availability

APCS-PF03IS Power Cable (3m, Robotic cable)

103,15 € (incl. VAT)
84,55 €
On stock

APCS-PF05GS Power Cable (5m, Robotic cable)

105,84 € (incl. VAT)
86,75 €
Check availability

APCS-PF05IS Power Cable (5m, Robotic cable)

134,81 € (incl. VAT)
110,50 €
On stock: 10+

APCS-PF05LS Power Cable (5m Robotic - flex) All model of FAL, FBL, FCL

89,35 € (incl. VAT)
73,24 €

APCS-PF05LS Power Cable (5m Robotic - flex) All model of FAL, FBL, FCL

On stock

APCS-PF10NB power + brake cable (10m, robotic)

214,54 € (incl. VAT)
175,85 €

5m, robotic, NB type, APM-SE ; FE, Robotic, (4C*2.0SQ / 2C*0.75SQ)

On stock

APCS-PN10GS Power Cable (10m, Normal cable)

41,11 € (incl. VAT)
33,70 €

APCS-PN10GS  Power Cabl 10m, Normal cable

On stock

APCS-BF05QS BRAKE Power Cable (5 m, Robotic cable)

90,32 € (incl. VAT)
74,03 €

APCS-BF05QS Power Brake Cable 3 m, Robotic cable
Suitable for: All model of motors APM-FB/ FBL; FC/ FCL

Check availability

APCS-PF20IS Power Cable (20m, Robotic cable) (4C*3.5SQ AWG12)

351,54 € (incl. VAT)
288,15 €

APCS-PF20IS Power Cable (20m, Robotic cable) (4C*3.5SQ AWG12)

Tariff Number (TARIC): 85444920
Country of

On stock

APCS-PF20LSC Power Cable 20m, Robotic cable

182,66 € (incl. VAT)
149,72 €

APCS-PF20LSC Power Cable 20 m, Robotic cable

On stock

APCS-PF05SB power + brake cable (5m, robotic)

34,41 € (incl. VAT)
28,20 €

5m, robotic, SB type, All models of APM-SG, APM-LG, APM-FG, (APCS-PF05SB

On stock

APCS-PF03HS Power Cable (3m, Robotic cable)

112,73 € (incl. VAT)
92,40 €

3m, power cable, HS type, motors: APM-SE/FE/HE Series

On stock

APCS-PN05LSC L7 Power Cable - normal 5m

80,18 € (incl. VAT)
65,73 €

APCS-PN05LSC Power Cable

Lenght: 5 m, normal cable
Suitable for: L7C Series
All model of  APMC

On stock

APCS-PN03LSC L7 Power Cable - normal 3m

66,08 € (incl. VAT)
54,16 €

APCS-PN03LSC Power Cable

Lenght: 3 m, normal cable
Suitable for: L7C Series
All model of  APMC

On stock

APCS-BF03QS BRAKE Power Cable (3 m, Robotic cable)

77,14 € (incl. VAT)
63,23 €

APCS-BF03QS Power Brake Cable 3 m, Robotic cable
Suitable for: All model of motors APM-FB/ FBL; FC/ FCL

On stock

APCS-BF10QS BRAKE Power Cable (10m, Robotic cable)

106,42 € (incl. VAT)
87,23 €

APCS-BF10QS Power Brake Cable 10 m, Robotic cable
Suitable for: All model of motors APM-FB/ FBL; FC/ FCL

On stock: 10+

APCS-PF05LSC Power Cable 5m, Robotic cable

92,03 € (incl. VAT)
75,43 €

APCS-PF05LSC Power Cable 5m, Robotic cable

Check availability

APCS-PF03SB power + brake cable (3m Robotic cable)

42,09 € (incl. VAT)
34,50 €

3m, Robotic cable, SB type

Check availability

APCS-PF20SB Power + Brake Cable (20m, Robotic)

109,43 € (incl. VAT)
89,70 €

20m, Robotic cable, SB type, All models of, APM-SG, APM-LG, APM-FG

On stock

APCS-PF10PB power + brake cable (10m, robotic)

289,07 € (incl. VAT)
236,94 €

5m, robotic, PB type, APM-SF30A, SF22D, LF35D, SF20G, LF30G, SF12M, SF20M, LF30M, FF30A, FF22D, FF35D

Check availability

APCS-PF20PB Power + brake cable (20m, Robotic cable)

410,11 € (incl. VAT)
336,16 €

20m, Robotic cable, PB type, APM-SF30A, SF22D, LF35D, SF20G, LF30G, SF12M, SF20M, LF30M, FF30A, FF22D, FF35D,

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APCS-PF20JS Power Cable (20m, Robotic cable)

579,50 € (incl. VAT)
475,00 €

20m, Robotic cable, JS type, motor: SG44M, (4C*3.5SQ AWG12)

On stock

APCS-PF05NB power + brake cable (5m, robotic)

151,81 € (incl. VAT)
124,43 €

5m, robotic, NB type, APM-FE

On stock

APCS-PF05LS Power Cable 5m, Robotic cable

129,46 € (incl. VAT)
106,11 €

APCS-PF05LS Power Cable 5 m, Robotic cable

On stock


56,46 € (incl. VAT)
46,28 €

APCS-PF03LSC Power Cable

Lenght: 5M

Suitable for:

On stock: 10+

APCS-PF10LSC Power Cable 10m, Robotic cable

130,18 € (incl. VAT)
106,70 €

APCS-PF10LSC Power Cable 10 m, Robotic cable

On stock

APCS-PF10SB , Power + brake Cable (10m, Robotic cable)

80,84 € (incl. VAT)
66,26 €

10m, Robotic cable, SB type, All models of : APM-SGP APM-FGP Series

On stock

APCS-PF03NB Power + brake Cable (3m, Robotic cable)

109,58 € (incl. VAT)
89,82 €

3m, Robotic cable, APM-SE, FE

Check availability

APCS-PF03IS Power Cable (3m, Robotic cable)

103,15 € (incl. VAT)
84,55 €

3m, Robotic cable, IS type, motor: SG20M, LF35D, (4C*3.5SQ AWG12)

On stock

APCS-PF05GS Power Cable (5m, Robotic cable)

105,84 € (incl. VAT)
86,75 €

5m, Robotic cable, GS type, APM-SA-SB-SC-HB

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APCS-PF05IS Power Cable (5m, Robotic cable)

134,81 € (incl. VAT)
110,50 €

5m, Robotic cable, IS type, motor: SG20M, LF35D, (4C*3.5SQ AWG12)