× Warning! Product has limited quantity


Information about the provider

The provider of products and/or services is:
Name of the legal entity: GO TO, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o.
Address of the legal entity: Brezovce 6
Postcode and place: 1236 Trzin, Slovenija
VAT number: SI 64342786, taxpayer
Registration number: 5460905000
Contact e-mail: goto@goto-automation.com
Contact telephone number: +386 (0)1 51 90 853
Data on the entry in the register or any other public records: 14.02.1991, application number: 11109600.
Transaction account no.: SI56 3400 0100 9867 170, Sparkasse d.d., BIC: KSPKSI22XXX.

Additional warnings

The provider specifically warns the customers of the following content:
Outside Slovenia, we sell only to legal entities. All technical information about the products sold by the seller can be found on the seller's website (www.goto-automation.com) and / or the manufacturer's website. The buyer is aware that the images are symbolic when presenting the products. The buyer can shop in the online store 24/7, the seller processes the orders during the working hours. In the case of technical errors on a website that would result in errors in product descriptions and / or price, the seller informs the buyer that because of the technical error the order sent can not be processed and invites him to rectify the order. The buyer is aware that in such a case he can not claim rights from the sales contract, a sales contract concluded on the basis of inaccurate information is invalid.

Web site

The Terms and Conditions are intended for customer when concluding distance contracts via the provider's e-mail or via the provider's website or websites: www.goto-automation.com


For the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions the Slovenian legislation shall apply. These Terms and Conditions have been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Obligations (OZ, Official Gazette no. 83/01 as amend.), Electronic Business and Electronic Signature Act (ZEPEP, Official Gazette no. 57/00 as amend.), Electronic Commerce Market Act (ZEPT, Official Gazette no. 61/06 as amend.), Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom-2, Official Gazette no. 130/22 as amend.), Copyright and Related Rights Act (ZASP, Official Gazette no. 21/95 as amend.), Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot-1, Official Gazette no. 130/22 as amend.) and other sectoral national and European legislation.

Legal principles

1. The provider respects the principles of lawfulness and fairness in managing the web page and sale of products/services.
2. The provider acts in accordance with honest practices and in fulfilling its obligations it takes into consideration due skill, care and diligence.
3. The provider respects the principle of transparency and with the present Terms and Conditions in a clear and understandable manner informs the customers on their rights.
4. The provider respects the principle of proportionality in processing of personal data. It may process only the data, which is by scope relevant for the purposes for which they are being collected and, if necessary, processed. Personal data protection is governed by the provider in the Privacy Policy, published on the website and the customer is informed about it in advance.


Meaning of use

The use of this website means:
1. Viewing of content on the website,
2. Completing the forms on the website,
3. Ordering products or services on the website,
4. Customer registration,
5. Use of web application,
6. Customer’s possibility of commenting,
7. Other types of use with regard to the content of the website.

Rules of use

Customers must use the website responsibly and must not cause any damage to it.  It is prohibited to:
1. Violate copyrights of any third persons or violate any other intellectual property rights of third persons,
2. Violate personal rights of third persons (religious, political beliefs, medical condition and other rights protected by law),
3. Promote hate or violent acts,
4. Encourage taking of illicit substances,
5. Encourage phishing,
6. Intentionally spread viruses, worms, deficiencies, Trojan horses, damaged files, hoaxes or other content or elements of destructive or deceptive nature,
7. Use the website with the purpose of illegal exchange of files with the help of advanced peer-to-peer networking,
8. Use the system for mining of bitcoins and other electronic currencies,
9. Carry out any other acts that violate or encourage actions that represent violation of rules on criminal matters or other applicable regulations and rights of third persons.

Responsibility of content

The provider is responsible for the operations of the website and the contents offered, except in the event of force majeure or any other causes beyond its control. The provider endeavours to eliminate technical and substantive errors quickly, with the purpose of enabling uninterrupted use of the web site and its contents. In no case shall the provider be released from liability for damage in cases where the law determines its inability to exclude liability, regardless of whether the customer must prove the damage or the provider must prove that the damage was not caused by the provider's actions.

The provider does not assume responsibility for any damage suffered by the customer, unless the customer proves otherwise, in the following cases:
1. if the customer uses the website incorrectly, despite clear instructions,
2. if the customer does not comply with the provider's terms and conditions,
3. minor grammatical errors in the texts,
4. if the website does not work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in full (100%),
5. links to third-party websites are for informational purposes only, unless otherwise stated (e.g. switching to payments by credit cards, PayPal and other comparable methods.)

Responsibilities for use

1. The customer should leave the website, if he or she does not agree with the Terms and Conditions.
2. The customer shall use the website in such a manner that he or she does not cause any damage to the website or the provider, either intentionally or out of negligence.

3. The customer may notify the provider on technical interruptions or non-functioning of the website or the content, if the provider fails to acknowledge such disturbances or non-operation.
4. The customer is obliged to leave the website if the content is only suitable for adults (18 yrs and up), which he or she is warned about immediately upon accessing the website.
5. In the case of an offer of products or services for which the customer must be of legal age to order, he is specifically warned of this before placing the order and may not place the order if he does not meet the age requirement.

Customer registration

1. Upon registration the customer supplies accurate and true data. Abuse of personal data of any third person is prohibited.
2. The customer shall carefully safeguard the received user name and password and shall not forward it to any third person.
3. The customer is aware that in the event of false data or abuse of personal data of any third person, the provider may institute relevant legal proceedings against the customer. The customer may register, if on the day of the registration he or she is at least 15 years old.


Contents and texts

Contents and texts on the website of the provider may not be copied or used in any other way outside the needs of legal cooperation between the customer and the provider, unless the website states otherwise. Any intervention into the copyright shall be deemed violation of rights of intellectual property and may be the subject of initiation of relevant legal actions.

Photographs and audiovisual works

All photographs, video recordings and other audio visual works published on the website are the copyright of the provider and may not be copied or used in any other way outside the needs of legal cooperation between the customer and the provider, unless the website states otherwise. Any intervention into the copyright shall be deemed violation of rights of intellectual property and may be the subject of initiation of relevant legal actions.

Legal document

The text of this Terms and Conditions is owned by the provider and it is prohibited to copy, distribute, or otherwise handle this text for marketing or other purposes without a written consent from the owner of the information system who on behalf of the provider maintains the Terms and Conditions unless allowed by the law. Any copyright interference is considered as violation of intellectual property rights and may be subject to suitable legal procedures initiated by the owner of the information system, that is the company POGOJI.SI, legal solutions, Tjaša Vidic s.p. For any additional information regarding this issue, please contact: podpora(at)pogoji.si.

This provision does not affect the rights of customers, who may save or reproduce the provisions of these Terms and Conditions for personal purposes.


Product offer

The main features of the provider's products are presented in detail on the website. Product features and prices, costs and delivery times, possible payment methods, possible discounts or promotions, ways of using coupons, if the provider allows them, and other information necessary for the customer's informed decisions are defined.

Order procedure

The procedure on the website within the online basket for ordering products is as follows: The buyer chooses the product. If the product is in stock, it is listed in the manufacture, which can be added to the basket. In the event that the product is not in stock, the customer clicks on the "Inquiry" button. The form opens to fill in the necessary information so that the seller can respond to the request. In the event that the product is in stock, the customer adds it to the basket by clicking the "Add to cart" button. The buyer can check the basket by clicking on the basket located in the right top corner of the website. By clicking on the basket, the buyer can check the summary of the products in the basket. The buyer can click on the “View cart" or "Checkout" button. If he clicks on the “View cart" button, he can check out the information about the selected products, the price, the quantity and the summary of the receipt. The buyer at this site can change (add or remove) the quantity of selected products. By clicking the "Checkout" button, the buyer is redirected to the next step, where can be registered or choose to purchase without registration (as a guest). The buyer can also log in as a user with a user name and the password, if already pre-registered in the online store. In this step, the buyer can change the selected product in the basket by clicking the "Edit" button, which is available in the entire online shopping cart. By clicking the "Next Step" button, the customer is redirected to the form to fill in the required information for the billing receipt. By clicking on the "Continue" button, the buyer continues to the next step where he chooses the method of payment in the type of delivery service. At this point, the buyer can choose another delivery address by completing the "Delivery to another address" form. By clicking the "Continue" button, the buyer is redirected to the last step of the purchase to preview the order. At this point the customer can check for the change of the data for the billing, the data for delivery and the content of the order. When the buyer checks all the information, prior to the submission of the, the buyer aknowledges that is an order with the obligation of payment and that he agrees with the Terms and conditions and Privacy policy of the seller.

Product prices

1. All prices are expressed in € (euros). The prices indicate whether they include VAT and the percentage or whether they do not include VAT. The customer is informed of the total cost of the ordered products in the shopping basket, where the total amount of VAT is also specified separately.

2. In addition to the price, the customer is also aware of the delivery cost (is it included in the price or is it additionally charged and the value of the cost).

3. The provider can change the prices and they apply immediately after publication. For already confirmed orders, the prices from the order remain valid.

4. Discounts and promotional codes do not add up, unless otherwise stated.

Payment methods

The provider provides the possibility of paying for the products with the following payment methods:

  1. Order for payment/UPN (pro-forma invoice)
  2. Credit card: Visa, Mastercard and Bank transfer.
  3. In the event that payment is not made according to the pro forma invoice within 48 hours of the confirmation of the order, the seller reserves the right to cancel the order.

The customer receives an invoice for ordered products physically upon receipt of the ordered products or in electronic form on the e-mail provided. In the event that the provider has an agreement with the customer on the electronic service of invoices, the provider does not issue in physical form. The provider shall keep the invoices and the sales contract at the registered address of the company in physical form for 10 years. Invoice is available to every customer with a prior written request to the contact e-mail address or regular address of the provider.

Delivery period

Delivery period for the products, which are on stock, shall be up to 14 working days after the receipt of payment (or after the receipt of order in case of payment method: Cash on delivery), especially for products from local stock, but in no case longer than 30 days. In the event of problems with the delivery of the selected product or an extension of the delivery period beyond 30 days, the provider shall inform the customer accordingly, so that the customer may set an additional delivery period. If the provider does not deliver the product even within the additional period, the customer can withdraw from the contract. If for the customer the delivery deadline is an essential component of the contract and he has informed the provider about this, or if this clearly follows from the circumstances, he can withdraw from the contract without an additional deadline for fulfillment. In case of withdrawal from the contract, the provider will return all payments made to the customer.

Delivery costs

The provider delivers the products through a package delivery service that delivers to customer’s home or other given address. The customer is aware that the cost of delivery may depend on the size of the ordered product, the quantity of ordered products, the selected payment method and the selected delivery method and is determined according to the valid price list of the delivery service. The provider informs the customer of the delivery cost in the order overview before the customer confirms the order.

The customer is aware and agrees that the delivery service generally delivers the ordered products in the morning from Monday to Friday and to the address provided by the customer when placing the order. The customer is aware and agrees that in case of inability to pick up the products at the given address, he or she can pick up the products at the address indicated on the notification of the arrived shipment or in accordance with the agreement with the delivery person.

In the case of unjustified non-acceptance of the shipment, so that it is returned to the provider, the provider reserves the right to disable the possibility of choosing a cash on delivery payment method for such a customer in further purchases, in order to avoid additional costs that cause business damage.

Delivery costs are charged automatically in the system, the shipping costs of the delivery service in the countries of the European Union are taken into account. When purchasing products in the total amount above 245,00 eur (excluding VAT), postage is free of charge to these countries of the European Union: Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Denmark, Hungary, France, Poland, Czech Republic , Slovakia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Lithuania and Monaco (except in the case of a customer's choice of quick delivery, this is charged). Additional shipping costs are charged (automatically in the system) for delivery to these countries: Romania, Spain, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Portugal, Greece, Ireland and Bulgaria. For delivery of products, the buyer can choose between two delivery services: GLS and TNT. Both delivery services have the option of express delivery (option express), in the event that the customer chooses this option, he is aware that this service must be additionally charged. When purchasing products in the total value below 245,00 eur (excluding VAT), the buyer pays the shipping costs in accordance with the calculation in the online basket (depending on the country from which he orders them). Delivery to other countries is possible upon prior arrangement with the buyer. Delivery costs are charged separately and the buyer is aware of them beforehand.

Personal pickup

The provider allows the customer to pick up the products in person. For the needs of personal pickup, the customer can contact the provider at the contacts listed below during office hours or the pickup schedule.
Address for personal pickup: GO TO d.o.o., Industrijska cona Trzin, Brezovce 6, 1236 Trzin, Slovenija
Contact telephone number for personal pickup: +386 (0)1 51 90 853
Timetable for personal pickup: from Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., by prior arrangement by phone.

Limits of liability

The risk of loss or damage to the purchased products passes from the provider to the customer when the products are physically received by the customer or when the products are received by a third party other than the delivery service (carrier) appointed by the customer for the purpose of accepting the delivered products. If the packaging is visibly damaged, the customer may refuse to accept the delivered products. The customer can also take a photo of the damaged packaging and inform the provider about it, but he or she is under no obligation to do so. The provider is responsible for delivering the products in perfect condition, in the agreed quantity and at the agreed time, as well as handing over all necessary related documentation until the customer takes over the products.

Product conformity warranty

In the event of a lack of conformity of the products, the customer has two months from the moment he noticed the lack of conformity to notify the provider. In the event that the customer does not notify the provider within two months from the moment he noticed the non-conformity, he or she cannot assert warranty claims. Likewise, the customer cannot assert warranty claims after two years have passed since the purchase.

The customer can first ask the provider to repair or replace the product with a new flawless product. In this case, the customer must make the product available to the provider. Enforcing claims for product conformity is free of charge for the customer, the provider bears all necessary costs (shipping, transport, labor and material costs).

The provider must comply with the request within a reasonable period of time, which must not exceed 30 days. The provider can extend this deadline by a maximum of 15 days, provided that the legal conditions are met, and the customer must be notified of the extension before the thirty-day deadline expires.

The provider reserves the right to reject the customer's request for repair or replacement of the product in the event that repair or replacement is not possible, or if the repair or replacement would represent a disproportionately high cost for the provider in relation to the circumstances of the specific case of the flawlessness of the purchased product. In this case, the customer can request a reduction in the purchase price or withdraw from the contract.

In the event that repair or replacement is not possible or is not successful and more than 30 days have passed since the purchase, the customer may request a reduction of the purchase price in proportion to the non-conformity of the product (reduced value of the product compared to the value if the product was flawless), or withdraw from the contract. In case of a request for a reduction of the purchase price, the provider will return part of the purchase price within eight days of receiving the request. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the provider shall return the amount paid no later than eight days after receiving the product or receiving proof that the customer has sent the product to the provider. If the provider proves that the non-conformity of the product is only insignificant, the customer cannot withdraw from the contract.

In the event that less than 30 days have passed since the purchase, the customer does not need to first claim a replacement or a new flawless product, but has the right to withdraw from the contract. He informs the provider about this with a statement.

Warranty claims

The customer can give a notice or a statement about asserting claims to ensure conformity of the products orally at the provider's headquarters or in writing to the provider's email address or address, with the note Warranty claims:
E-mail: goto@goto-automation.com
Address: GO TO, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o. Brezovce 6, 1236 Trzin, Slovenija
The notice or the statement on the enforcement of claims to ensure conformity of the products must include:
1. the customer's contact information,
2. an exact description of the product or products for which the customer is asserting warranty claims,
3. the customer must accurately describe the non-conformity he is asserting with the claim,
4. the customer must attach an invoice or other proof, with by which he proves that he bought the product from the provider,
5. the provider can request additional explanations or evidence from the customer in order to properly verify the customer’s statements about the non-conformity of the goods, for example: the way the product is used, the appropriateness of following the provider's instructions for use or other relevant facts.


When selling products where a guarantee is mandatory, the provider also hands over a guarantee note to the customer at the latest upon delivery of the products, guaranteeing that the product will work flawlessly for at least one year from the date of purchase (mandatory guarantee) or longer if the warranty is for a longer period period (voluntary guarantee).

The customer can claim the guarantee against the guarantor, i.e. the provider (seller of the product) or the manufacturer of the product or an authorized service.

If the product does not meet the specifications or does not have the properties stated in the guarantee note, the customer can first request the correction of the defects. If the defects are not corrected within 30 days from the day the guarantor receives the customer’s request for the correction of defects, the guarantor must replace the product with an identical, new and flawless product free of charge to the customer. The guarantor can extend this period by a maximum of 15 days, provided that the legal conditions are met, and the customer must be notified of the extension before the 30 day period expires.

In the event that the guarantor does not repair or replace the product within these terms, the customer may request a refund of the entire purchase price or request a proportional reduction of the purchase price, which takes into account the proportionality of the reduction in the value of the product compared to the value if the product had no defect.

In the event that less than 30 days have passed since the purchase, the customer does not need to first claim a replacement or a new flawless product when claiming the guarantee, but has the right to withdraw from the contract.

In the event that the guarantor does not provide the customer with a replacement product for temporary use during the repair or exchange of the product, the customer has the right to claim the damage he suffered because he could not use the product from the moment he requested repair or replacement until the moment when the guarantor has fulfilled his obligation.

All costs related to guarantee enforcement are paid by the guarantor.

Guarantee claims

Instructions for claiming guarantees are listed on the guarantee note. For additional information or explanations, or to claim the guarantee from the provider, the customer can write to the provider's email address or address, with the note Claiming the guarantee:
E-mail: goto@goto-automation.com
Address: GO TO, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o. Brezovce 6 1236 Trzin, Slovenija

Withdrawal from the contract

1. The customer may withdraw from the contract (purchase) within 14 days without stating the reason.
2. The withdrawal period shall terminate in 14 days from the day when the customer obtains physical possession over the product or instead of the customer any third person obtains it who is not a carrier and is appointed for this purpose by the customer. This means within 14 days from the receipt of the product (date of delivery on the acknowledgement of delivery shall be considered). With contracts in connection with the delivery of goods, composed of several pieces or shipments, delivery period starts when the customer obtains physical possession over the last shipment or piece or a third person obtains it instead of the customer who is not a carrier and is appointed for this purpose by the customer.
3. If the customer withdraws from the contract, the provider must, without undue delay and in any case not later than within 14 days from the day of the receipt of the notification on the withdrawal from the contract reimburse all received payments, including delivery costs. The provider carries out the reimbursement with same method of payment as used in the implementation of the original transaction, unless it is agreed with the customer otherwise in writing (e.g. credit or any other form of remuneration).

4. The provider may retain the payment until it receives the returned products or until the customer sends a proof of sending the returned products, depending on what happens earlier. The customer returns the products without undue delay and in any event 14 days from the day when the customer informed the provider on the withdrawal from the contract at the latest. The deadline shall be taken into consideration, if the products are sent back prior to the expiry of the 14 day period. Direct costs of return of goods shall be borne by the customer.
5. In the event that the returned product is damaged or its value is in any other way impaired, the customer is liable for a decrease in the value of the product if the decrease in value is the result of conduct that is not necessarily necessary to determine the nature, properties and functioning of the product.

The customer is acquainted with and agrees that upon purchase of our products he or she cannot enforce the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days without stating the reason for the following goods/products:

  1. Products, which are due to their nature inseparably mixed with other products.
  2. Products, for which the buyer expressly required the visit of the operator at home for the urgent repair or maintenance. If at such a visit the operator carries out also additional services, not expressly required by the buyer, or it delivers goods, which do not represent replacement parts, necessary for the maintenance or repair, the buyer has for such additional services and goods the right to withdraw from the contract.
  3. Customized products: products, made according to exact instructions of the buyer and adapted to his or her personal needs.

This provision is without prejudice to the provisions on warranty, guarantee and/or complaints, which the customer may enforce in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

Enforcement of withdrawal from the contract

The right of withdrawal may be exercised by natural persons. To enforce the right to withdrawal from the contract the customer must inform the provider with an unequivocal statement (we advise written) on his or her decision on withdrawal from this contract. This can be done by sending a letter by regular mail (registered letter is recommended) or electronic mail to the addresses stated below or informs the provider verbally (in this case, the burden of proof is on the customer), with a note Withdrawal from the contract:
E-mail: goto@goto-automation.com
Address: GO TO, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o. Brezovce 6 1236 Trzin, Slovenija

Form for the withdrawal from the contract

You can find the form for the withdrawal from the contract here: Click here: Form for withdrawal

Address for complaints

The customer may send the complaints and other requests, which do not arise from the enforcement of warranties, guarantees or withdrawals from the contract to the e-mail of the provider, with a note Complaints:
E-mail: goto@goto-automation.com
Address: GO TO, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o. Brezovce 6 1236 Trzin, Slovenija

Product maintenance and instructions

The customer is aware that all products are equipped with instructions for maintenance or use, where this is reasonable and necessary. The customer is obliged to carefully read the instructions for product maintenance and use. If the customer has problems understanding the instructions for maintenance or use, the provider is available to the customer for additional explanations in order to prevent damage that could be caused by incorrect maintenance or use.

Special agreements

Irrespective of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the provider and the customer can agree on the content differently, in the joint pursuit of the interests of both. The provider is obliged that the special agreements cannot in any sense provide the customer, who is a natural person, with fewer rights than those guaranteed by these Terms and Conditions and the legislation.

The provider can offer special sales conditions for: certain goods, certain digital content, certain services, certain groups of subscribers (non-discriminatory) and certain payment methods.


Binding nature

1. The terms and conditions shall apply to all customers via the provider's website and in the case of concluding contracts or confirming orders via e-mail or other comparable communication channels of the provider (contracts concluded at a distance). In the case of agreements using the telephone, the provider obtains written confirmation of the order by the customer via e-mail or other comparable communication channels of the provider (written confirmation) and only in this case is the contractual relationship (purchase or order) considered concluded. When exchanging messages with the customer, the provider informs the latter and provides him with these business conditions in an accessible form, which the customer familiarizes with and agrees to in writing before the order is considered confirmed. 
2. The terms and conditions are binding for all legal transactions concluded on the basis of them through this website and/or through the use of e-mail or comparable communication channels.
3. The terms and conditions are an integral part of the order. Unless a separate written contract is concluded, the confirmed order and the applicable terms and conditions are considered an agreed contractual relationship. 

4. The customer confirms familiarity with and agrees with these terms and conditions before ordering a product or service in the online basket or via e-mail or other comparable communication channels.


1. The provider shall regularly update the Terms and Conditions with legislative changes.

2. The provider reserves the right to occasionally make substantive corrections and changes of Terms and Conditions.
3. The provider shall inform the customers on any significant amendments in timely fashion, in writing by e-mail.
4. The provider shall keep the archives of amendments of Terms and Conditions, accessible to every customer with a prior written request to the e-mail of the provider.

Dispute resolution

The provider and the customer undertake to resolve any possible disagreements and disputes peacefully and consensually. The provider does not recognise any provider of out of court resolution of consumer disputes as competent for the resolution of a consumer dispute, therefore in the event of an unresolved dispute the consumer may refer to an authority for alternative dispute resolution.

The customer may select an alternative dispute resolution and enforce his or her rights via the following website: Online Dispute Resolution

National contact point for additional information is provided within the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport: Resolution of consumer disputes

If a friendly solution is not possible, a court in the Republic of Slovenia by the registered address of the provider shall be competent for the resolution of the dispute.

Territorial validity

The Terms and Conditions shall apply for all customers and orders, irrespective of the state of access of the customer.

Temporal validity

The legal conditions apply from: 19.08.2024 09:17